Master your Metabolic Health and Beat the System that Makes you Sick!

Dr Dhand Academy Anti-Inflammatory Lifestyle Course



One of the biggest reasons for our modern-day obesity crisis, lies in one word: SUGAR. It has been well-known for some time that sugar, especially added sugars in foods, are not good for us. When you browse your local grocery store, it’s often shocking how many added sugars are present in foods that you wouldn’t even suspect!
Our sugar consumption as a society has increased dramatically in recent years, and along with eating too many carbs and processed foods, has helped destroy our baseline metabolic health. Most of us each way too much of it, and can easily cut back. Not only is this good for reducing calorie intake and helping to stay in shape, but also for your immune health. There’s a reason why diabetes has been found to be one of the most significant risk factors for a more severe case of COVID. High blood sugars are very bad for our immune systems and act an immune-suppressant. We have known for decades in healthcare that we always want to pay particular attention to controlling any diabetic’s blood sugars very well, when they have an infection (high sugar impairs healing). This may matter less in a non-diabetic, but the same principle of excess sugar intake being bad for us, still applies.
So a task for all of us for this week, and beyond… have more of an awareness of your sugar intake, especially in processed foods, and try to actively cut back. The odd treat every now and again is okay if you have a sweet tooth…but make it just that: a treat only.
On that note, I feel like a snack and am going to grab a chocolate cake slice! I am of course joking, I will eat two of my favorites now: a handful of almonds and some blueberries…
Suneel Dhand is a physician, writer, and YouTuber. He is Founder at MedStoic Lifestyle Medicine and DocsDox . Follow him on YouTube and Facebook.