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Dr Dhand Academy Anti-Inflammatory Lifestyle Course



As a doctor and therefore defacto scientist, I am all about rational and logical scientific debate. Unfortunately as I’ve stated many times before, this has gone out of the window since last March—as the entire world has succumbed to a largely smartphone-driven reactive response to one of the biggest challenges of our time.

There are enormous questions out there about the effectiveness of the COVID vaccines that are currently being administered, and I truly believe that a low-quality residency program journal club meeting, would have given more scrutiny from physicians and scientists (many of whom seem desperate to post vaccination selfies online), than the medical establishment has given to the published trials of the COVID-19 vaccine. I am also deeply troubled by the fact that most physicians I have spoken to, have not even read the published articles! If you are a doctor or scientist reading right now who hasn’t done so, feel free to go and read the Pfizer vaccine published trial in the New England Journal of Medicine, by clicking here. The world appears to have hung their hats on the vaccine being the path back to normalcy, and a way to “eliminate” the virus (wishful thinking, really).

Having said that, I hope and pray that the vaccine works in at least protecting many people from the worst symptomatic effects of the COVID-19 virus. It is unlikely however to stop asymptomatic spread (a vaccine cannot ever stop you from carrying a few virus particles in your nose).

A big question I have though right now, regards the current advice from medical authorities and doctors, for those people who have recently recovered from COVID-19. Hoping for an answer in the interests of scientific debate:

“I am not aware of any viral illness where a vaccine confers more future protection, than people who have already recovered from the illness naturally. If medical authorities and doctors are telling the millions of people who have recovered from COVID-19, to get the vaccine as soon as possible, does that not logically imply that the vaccine will not confer immunity for very long? In other words, if recovering from the illness does not give you significant protection (and the medical establishment is saying you still need a vaccine within weeks of recovering), how could a vaccine possibly work for any longer?

Phoning a friend. I am looking for help in answering this question.

Suneel Dhand is a physician, writer, and YouTuber. He is Founder at MedStoic Lifestyle Medicine and DocsDox . Follow him on YouTube and Instagram