Master your Metabolic Health and Beat the System that Makes you Sick!

Dr Dhand Academy Anti-Inflammatory Lifestyle Course



URGENT PUBLIC HEALTH ANNOUNCEMENT: If the medical community and media wanted to tell you the truth, they would tell you that the above headline is a far bigger threat to America’s long-term health than COVID ever could be. It was published on a major medical news site last week. These rates have skyrocketed over the last few decades, and it’s come with massive surges in so many chronic illnesses including heart disease and diabetes. Other countries are fast catching up across the western world (even in China, obesity rates have tripled in the last 10 years), as we eat more junk high-calorie food, our portion sizes escalate, and we become more sedentary. This simply wasn’t the case in our parents’ and grandparents’ generations.

Let’s keep the message simple. 4 everyday things you can do to help not be part of this statistic:

1.Eat a calorie-controlled diet, rich in vegetables and fruits (vitamins & anti-oxidants) and low in saturated fats, red meats, processed foods and sugars. Be especially careful with carbs, which are the devil of modern-day eating habits.

2.Exercise. Literally every opportunity you get to do something active. Mix cardio with muscle strengthening.

3.Sleep. Research suggests between 6 to 8 hours of a restful sleep every night is ideal for most of us.

4.De-stress. Whether it’s a fun hobby, meditation, or watching your favorite comedy show—letting your adrenaline and cortisol levels settle down, is extremely good for your health. Stress wreaks havoc on your body.

The health story dominating the news with wall-to-wall coverage over the last several months, has been the COVID pandemic. We know from the data that being overweight or obese, may well be the 3rd biggest risk factor for being seriously affected or hospitalized (after age and having chronic disease). In under-50s, it may even be the 1st biggest risk factor. This places the USA at a unique disadvantage compared to other countries. What an opportunity missed by the medical community to go all out in promoting the lifestyle medicine message to the public. And yes, this can be done in a caring and sensitive way—that encourages and motivates people to change their habits for the sake of their own health. The fact that this hasn’t happened, is shameful on the part of the medical world.

Life is short, you only have one body, so take good care of yourself.

-Suneel Dhand, MD
Suneel Dhand is a physician, writer, and YouTuber. He is Founder at MedStoic Lifestyle Medicine and DocsDox . Follow him on YouTube and Instagram