Master your Metabolic Health and Beat the System that Makes you Sick!

Dr Dhand Academy Anti-Inflammatory Lifestyle Course



The above is a COVID map of the USA, nearly everywhere is high alert red risk. The same is also happening in all European countries. States and countries with vastly different strategies are all struggling. This hasn’t happened because “people are stupid” or because “governments are stupid”. This has happened because respiratory viruses spread by droplets are simply RUTHLESS, especially in colder months when people are indoors. Unless you lock everyone up completely, this is the trajectory of an easily spread respiratory virus within a population (read Farr’s law in pandemic science).

We are deep into a second wave, and I am currently working on a busy COVID unit again. What can we do? Well, everyone should obviously follow their local health advice and take sensible precautions—but above all else I would say—be as ruthless as the virus, in ruthlessly PROTECTING any elderly or vulnerable person in your life. Practically wrap them in cotton wool if you must until this surge abates, because we know from the data who is most likely to be seriously affected and hospitalized. Stress for them not to go out needlessly, meet with extended family or friends right now, and do practical everyday things like help with shopping. Keep checking in with them! This is a far better and more noble thing to do than what I see (some) people doing, spending their time on social media debating and arguing COVID with completely healthy 20- and 30- year olds. For every hour spent doing that, you could be helping someone who is vulnerable. It could be family or a neighbor.

Life is indeed precious, so protect those closest to you that need it the most.

Suneel Dhand is a physician, writer, and YouTuber. He is Founder at MedStoic Lifestyle Medicine and DocsDox . Follow him on YouTube and Instagram