There is nothing more intrinsically related to the success of any country than the health and wellness of its people. This doesn’t mean only being focused on a healthcare system that treats sickness, but also pushing a philosophy that promotes the general wellbeing of everyone, in all aspects of their lives. Remember, the general definition of health is a “state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. Without this being widely present in citizens, being fortunate enough to live in a rich and prosperous country such as the US or UK, counts for very little. Why then, do our leaders not make it more of a priority to address the complete physical and mental wellbeing of their people?
Last week, I wrote about British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s incredible deliberate weight loss since he was diagnosed with COVID, and how he is leading a large public health initiative in the United Kingdom, to get people in better shape as a strategy to combat coronavirus. But COVID-19 aside though, what about all the other ills of society that could really be helped by having the right dedicated leaders. Imagine the President of the United States regularly posting social media pictures of himself eating healthy meals, taking a jog, cycling, or meditating in the Rose Garden? Imagine a twice weekly tweet to help raise awareness of what everyone could be doing to feel more well? Eat more vegetables and fewer carbs, taking a brisk outdoors walk, do some deep breathing exercises to help combat all the modern day stresses? It all sounds so far-fetched and unimaginable. We’ve never seen anything like it. Even a relatively health conscious President like Barack Obama, never did it. And what an incredible shame and missed opportunity–because there’s so much potential for improving society’s physical and mental health right now.
Several of the most famous words from the founding of the United States, stated that the goal of the fledgling nation was: “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness” for everyone. Never before had the word “happiness” been listed as a core reason to construct a new form of government. That being said, if we are to hold true to this, then maintaining our own bodily and emotional health, should be placed front and center. The message could come from any high-level leader in the country, but ultimately it’s the person at the top who gets the most attention. This doesn’t mean shoving health tips down your throat every day when there is a country to run—but the occasional focus on this in amongst the important job of leading a country, could work wonders. Any President or Prime Minister should view their citizens’ health and wellbeing, as important as a thriving economy or booming stock market. The healthier and more in shape the population, the more likely the country is to be a staggering success and reach its full potential!
Never underestimate the bully pulpit of a national leader to raise awareness of issues and bring about change for the better. If the President tweeted out a picture of himself taking a hike in nature with a statement: “No better way to de-stress and get some exercise”—millions may well do the same the next day. Ditto for a plate of green beans or an apple as a snack mid-way through the afternoon. Social media makes it so easy to get positive messages across to impressionable people just waiting to adopt better lifestyle habits! And there’s no better person to promote physical and mental health, than the leader of a country. I hope in my lifetime, I see one.
Suneel Dhand is a physician, writer, and YouTuber. He is Co-Founder at DocsDox. Follow him on YouTube and Instagram.
Hello Suneel,
Could not be said better.
Terrific Suneel!!!
Where are the rest of the medical establishment? From the blogs that I read, there is more interest in insurance, regulation constraints and IT reform than in public health or the health of the nation. Imagine what all the docs and nurses could do to change that!
I agree, I feel PM of India, Sri Narendra Modi is doing a bit in this regard, he also lost weight recently and we see pictures of him doing yoga, pranayama and following a vegetarian diet even when he is traveling to other countries officially.
Hi Pam. There would be nothing better for the West right now, than a vegetarian meditating leader! Suneel
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